[UPDATE 2] Taiwan Holiday Trip 2024 and Taipei Red Expo 2024 Spendings and Expenditure

Subject: [UPDATE 2] Taiwan Holiday Trip 2024 and Taipei Red Expo 2024 Spendings and Expenditure


Document control revision: 20240815

Teo En Ming spends his money according to the Presidential Spendings Act enacted by the Congress of the United States.

According to the Presidential Records Act enacted by the Congress of the United States, Teo En Ming has to keep proper records of his spendings and expenditures of his holiday trip in Taiwan in 2024.

Holiday Period: 7 August 2024 Wednesday to 12 August 2024 Monday

Method of Computation: ChatGPT (Linear Interpolation Formula)

[1] Scoot budget airline return air tickets + travel insurance $522.46

[2] Hotel 6 days 5 nights $711.52

[3] Changi Wi-Fi 4G LTE router for Taiwan $44.88

[4] Taipei Red Expo 2024 Normal/Regular Entry Tickets for 3 days $160.14

[5] Taipei Red Expo 2024 Express Lane Fast Entry Ticket Enhancement for 3 days $36.79

[6] Aliacos 8 face vouchers $35.07

[7] Koiki Nagisa 渚恋生 23 face vouchers $100.84

[8] Hazuki Wakamiya 若宮葉月 20,000 diamonds $56.07

[9] Nagahama Mitsuri 長濱蜜梨 3 face vouchers $13.14

[10] Hayasaka Hime 早坂姬 3 face vouchers $13.14

[11] Nagahama Mitsuri and Hayasaka Hime 長濱蜜梨 and 早坂姬 2 face vouchers $8.75

[12] Mio Ishikawa 石川澪 15,000 diamonds $42.22

[13] Kawakita Saika 河北彩伽 15,000 diamonds $42.22

[14] Arina Hashimoto 新有菜 15,000 diamonds $42.22

[15] Konan Koyoi 小宵虎南 15,000 diamonds $42.22

[16] I.no_5412mass 6 face vouchers $26.28

[17] Misono Waka 美園和花 17 face vouchers $74.53

[18] Shaku Ailis? 釋愛麗絲 4 face vouchers $17.53

[19] Aono Mizuki 蒼乃美月 4 face vouchers $17.53

[20] Umi Yatsugake 八掛海 8 face vouchers $35.07

[21] Nonoura Non 野野浦暖 8 face vouchers $35.07

[22] Tenma Yui 天馬唯 26 face Vouchers $114

[23] Li Wei Ba 10 Face vouchers $43.84

[24] Xiao Hua Jie Jie 22 face vouchers $96.46

[25] Teo En Ming did not keep track/proper records of the food and transport expenses in Taipei, Taiwan but it should not be a large sum. Teo En Ming did not spend a lot of money on food and transport. Transport by taxi is kept to the minimum.




Diamonds Pricing Table


4,500 diamonds USD$9.99 SGD$13.14

14,000 diamonds USD$29.99 SGD$39.45

24,000 diamonds USD$49.99 SGD$65.76

50,000 diamonds USD$99.99 SGD$131.54

150,000 diamonds USD$299.99 SGD$394.65

500,000 diamonds USD$999.99 SGD$1315.54

Face Vouchers Pricing Table


3 face vouchers USD$9.99 SGD$13.14

15 face vouchers + 1 free USD$49.99 SGD$65.76

30 face vouchers + 3 free USD$99.99 SGD$131.54

90 face vouchers + 10 free USD$299.99 SGD$394.65

But Teo En Ming's mathematics sucks. So he don't know how to convert face vouchers and diamonds to Singapore dollars by hand.

Method of Computation: ChatGPT (Linear Interpolation Formula)

Therefore Teo En Ming lets Artificial Intelligence (AI) calculate for him. Problem solved.

Teo En Ming's National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)




[1] https://pastebin.com/raw/GjcCnwmY


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