List of severe back pain and ankle pain episodes

Subject: List of severe back pain and ankle pain episodes

[1] 29 May 2023 Monday - Severe Back Pain


7.44 AM:

I went to the common shower room at Anglican Care Centre (Farrer Park).

When I bend over to put my Dettol body shampoo on the floor, I suddenly developed a stinging back pain.

A few hours later after resting on the bed:

Cannot sit up, cannot stand up, and cannot walk due to severe back pain

Called for ambulance.

7.44 PM at night:

Still at Tan Tock Seng Hospital Emergency Room

11.45 pm at night:

Discharged from Tan Tock Seng Hospital

Over the next 10 days:

Can walk, but have some difficulty walking due to back pain (although not as severe as the 1st day)

[2] 26 July 2024 Friday - Back Pain


9.49 AM:

bend my body forward to use the washing machine

got a sudden and short burst of pain on my lower back

10.25 AM:

I have some difficulty sitting up on my bed and trying to stand up

11.01 AM:

Called for ambulance

12.05 PM:

Just reached Tan Tock Seng Hospital

1.04 PM:

TTSH emergency doctor is going to discharge me and send me home

Fasting blood sugar readings:

11.30 am: 6.3 (taken by ambulance paramedics)

12.15 pm: 5.8 (taken by TTSH emergency nurse)

After I reached home, I avoided resting on my bed because I know this can make my back pain worse. Instead, I sit on my chair and avoided my bed. There is improvement in my back pain at 2.11 PM. If I had rested on my bed, my back pain would have surely become worse.

3.41 PM:

I have reached Institute of Mental Health (IMH) to visit my mother

[3] 8 Dec 2021 Wednesday - Severe right ankle pain


Developed severe pain on my right ankle.

Cannot stand up at all.

Cannot walk at all.

Admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

Tan Tock Seng Hospital Emergency Room doctors used Colchicine to treat my severe right ankle pain on 8 Dec 2021. It is very effective. Within a few hours, the pain was almost gone and I could stand up and walk already.

Doctors believe this to be a gout attack on my right ankle.



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