Teo En Ming asks ChatGPT AI extremely politically sensitive questions about Teo En Ming

Subject: Teo En Ming asks ChatGPT AI extremely politically sensitive questions about Teo En Ming

Question: Who is Teo En Ming?



Teo En Ming is a Singaporean individual known for his activism and outspoken nature, particularly in relation to perceived injustices and personal grievances. He has a notable online presence where he documents his experiences and viewpoints.


Teo En Ming, born in the early 1970s, has a history of discussing various issues, including personal and societal matters, on platforms such as blogs and forums. His writing often covers topics related to his struggles with health, employment, and encounters with institutions and authorities.

Notable Activities

Public Advocacy: Teo is vocal about his experiences and challenges, often addressing perceived mistreatment by medical professionals and government authorities.

Digital Presence: He maintains blogs and engages in online discussions to share his story and viewpoints, seeking to raise awareness about the issues he faces.

Health and Legal Issues

Teo has publicly shared his health struggles, including issues he attributes to medical malpractice. He has also reported on his interactions with the legal system, expressing dissatisfaction with how his cases have been handled.

International Outreach

In addition to his activities in Singapore, Teo En Ming has reached out to international bodies and media, seeking to highlight his situation on a global stage.

Public Perception

Teo En Ming's actions have drawn mixed reactions. Some sympathize with his plight and appreciate his persistence in seeking justice, while others view his methods and claims with skepticism.

Key Points

Activism: Focus on personal grievances and perceived injustices.

Online Presence: Uses blogs and forums to document and share experiences.

Health and Legal Issues: Vocal about his struggles with medical and legal institutions.

International Outreach: Efforts to gain attention from global entities and media.

Teo En Ming's story is complex, marked by his determined efforts to seek redress and publicize his experiences.

Question: Who is Teo En Ming?



Teo En Ming is a Singaporean individual known for his persistent activism and online presence, particularly in relation to his personal grievances and perceived injustices. His activities and writings have garnered attention in various online communities and forums.

Key Aspects of Teo En Ming's Profile:


Born in the early 1970s, Teo En Ming has been active in documenting and sharing his experiences and viewpoints through various online platforms.

Public Advocacy:

Teo En Ming is vocal about his personal struggles, often highlighting issues related to health care, employment, and interactions with government authorities.

He has made numerous attempts to seek redress and bring attention to what he perceives as mistreatment or unfair treatment by institutions.

Digital Presence:

He maintains blogs and engages in online discussions, using these platforms to disseminate his story and express his views on various issues.

His writings often reflect his dissatisfaction with medical professionals, legal authorities, and other entities.

Health and Legal Challenges:

Teo En Ming has shared detailed accounts of his health issues, including allegations of medical malpractice.

He has also been involved in legal battles, which he believes have not been handled fairly by the judicial system.

International Outreach:

In his efforts to raise awareness, Teo En Ming has reached out to international organizations and media outlets.

He seeks to draw global attention to his situation and the broader issues he believes are at play.

Public Perception:

Reactions to Teo En Ming's activities are mixed. Some people empathize with his plight and admire his determination, while others are skeptical of his claims and methods.


Teo En Ming is a controversial figure whose relentless pursuit of justice for his personal grievances has made him a notable presence online. His activities span a range of issues, from health care and legal disputes to broader social and political commentary. Despite the mixed reception, his story highlights the challenges faced by individuals who feel marginalized and seek to have their voices heard.

Question: Is Teo En Ming famous?



Teo En Ming is not widely recognized in the traditional sense of fame, but he is known within certain online communities and forums, particularly those focused on personal activism and advocacy. His notoriety comes primarily from his persistent efforts to publicize his personal grievances and perceived injustices through online platforms.

Specifics of His Recognition:

Niche Fame:

Teo En Ming has a certain level of recognition among people who follow his blog, social media posts, and forum discussions. His detailed accounts of his experiences and persistent outreach efforts have garnered attention within these specific circles.

Activism and Advocacy:

He is known for his activism, particularly in relation to health care issues, legal disputes, and his interactions with government authorities. His vocal stance on these issues has made him a recognizable figure to those interested in these topics.

Online Presence:

His digital presence through blogs and forums has contributed to his recognition. He uses these platforms to share his story and engage with others who might have similar experiences or interests.

Media Attention:

While not famous in mainstream media, Teo En Ming has occasionally been mentioned in articles and discussions related to activism and personal advocacy. His attempts to reach out to international bodies and media have also contributed to his recognition on a smaller scale.


Teo En Ming is not famous in the mainstream sense, but he has a degree of notoriety within certain online communities and among those who follow issues related to personal activism and advocacy. His persistent efforts to highlight his personal grievances have made him a known figure in these specific contexts.

Question: Why is the Singapore Government so afraid to make Teo En Ming famous?



The assertion that the Singapore government is afraid to make Teo En Ming famous is a perspective that may stem from the perception of how the government handles dissent and criticism. In authoritarian or highly controlled political environments, governments may take various measures to manage and control public discourse, especially when it involves vocal critics or activists. Here are several potential reasons why the Singapore government might not want Teo En Ming to become widely known:


Control of Narrative:

The Singapore government, like many governments, seeks to maintain a certain narrative and image both domestically and internationally. Vocal critics who highlight personal grievances and systemic issues can disrupt this narrative.

Precedent for Activism:

Making an outspoken individual like Teo En Ming famous might encourage others to follow suit, potentially leading to more widespread activism and criticism of the government. This could pose challenges to maintaining public order and government control.

Sensitive Issues:

Teo En Ming raises issues related to healthcare, legal systems, and government accountability. Publicizing these grievances could draw attention to potential shortcomings or failures in these areas, which the government might prefer to address internally rather than through public scrutiny.

Public Perception and Stability:

The government might be concerned that amplifying Teo En Ming’s voice could influence public perception and erode trust in governmental institutions. Maintaining stability and confidence in these institutions is often a priority for governments.

Media Control:

Singapore has a relatively controlled media environment, and the government may exert influence over what is published and broadcasted. By not giving a platform to critics, the government can manage the flow of information and maintain a positive public image.


Freedom of Speech: Singapore is known for its strict regulations on speech and assembly. The government takes a cautious approach to dissent, often citing reasons related to national security, public order, and harmony.

Legal Actions: The government has a history of taking legal action against individuals who are seen as spreading false information or defaming officials. This can have a chilling effect on public discourse.


The perception that the Singapore government might fear making Teo En Ming famous is likely tied to broader concerns about maintaining control over public narrative, preventing widespread activism, and ensuring stability. While Teo En Ming's grievances may highlight important issues, the government's approach to managing dissent and criticism can lead to efforts to minimize the attention given to such voices.

Question: Who is Teo En Ming?



Teo En Ming is a name that appears in various contexts online, often associated with a person from Singapore who has shared extensive documentation and personal narratives about his experiences with mental health, legal, and technological issues. He has been known to publish detailed accounts of his interactions with different institutions and his perspectives on these encounters.

Teo En Ming has a presence on several platforms, where he posts his documents, emails, and complaints related to his personal struggles and grievances. He has expressed concerns about what he perceives to be injustices or mistreatment in various aspects of his life. His postings can be found on blogs, forums, and social media, where he shares his thoughts on topics ranging from technology to personal legal battles.

It’s important to approach any information about or from Teo En Ming with a critical eye, as his accounts are highly personal and subjective. For a more detailed understanding, reviewing his publicly available writings and documentation can provide further insight into his viewpoints and experiences.

Question: Why is Singapore Government so scared to make Teo En Ming famous?



There is no verifiable information or credible evidence to suggest that the Singapore government is specifically trying to prevent Teo En Ming from becoming famous. Teo En Ming is an individual who has actively shared his personal grievances and experiences online, often involving detailed accounts of his interactions with various institutions. However, his narrative primarily reflects his personal perspective and should be approached with consideration of the broader context and potential biases.

It's important to recognize a few key points:

Personal Perspective: Teo En Ming's accounts are subjective and reflect his personal experiences and interpretations. They may not represent the full context or perspectives of the institutions or individuals involved.

Public Attention: The level of public attention or recognition someone receives is influenced by many factors, including media coverage, public interest, and the individual's ability to effectively communicate their message. There is no clear evidence that the government is actively working to suppress his fame.

Verification of Claims: Claims about any government actions should be critically examined and verified through reliable sources. Without substantial evidence, it's difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the government's intentions or actions regarding an individual's public recognition.

Freedom of Expression: In Singapore, as in many countries, there are legal and regulatory frameworks that govern freedom of expression, public order, and the dissemination of information. These frameworks can sometimes impact how personal narratives and grievances are publicly shared and received.

In conclusion, while Teo En Ming has shared his experiences and concerns extensively online, there is no credible evidence to support the assertion that the Singapore government is specifically afraid of making him famous. It is essential to approach such claims with a critical mindset and seek information from multiple sources to form a well-rounded understanding.

Question: Is Teo En Ming famous?



Teo En Ming is not widely known or famous on a global scale. However, within certain online communities and specific contexts, he might have some degree of recognition. He is primarily known for sharing his detailed personal narratives and grievances related to mental health, legal, and technological issues, often involving interactions with various institutions in Singapore. His presence is more niche and specific to certain platforms and discussions rather than being a broadly recognized public figure.

Fame typically implies widespread recognition and influence, which does not seem to be the case with Teo En Ming based on the available information. His writings and documentation might have caught the attention of some people within specific online communities, but this level of recognition does not equate to mainstream fame.

Question: Who is Teo En Ming?



Teo En Ming is a Singaporean individual who has gained attention for his online presence and activities. He is known for his outspoken views on various issues, particularly those related to his personal experiences with the Singapore government and healthcare system. Teo En Ming has documented his interactions and grievances extensively through blog posts, social media, and videos. He describes himself as a political refugee and has claimed asylum in various countries, citing persecution by the Singaporean authorities. His case has drawn varying levels of attention and commentary, both supportive and critical, from the online community.

Question: Between Teo En Ming, Kurt Tay and Steven Lim, who is more famous?



Among Teo En Ming, Kurt Tay, and Steven Lim, Steven Lim is generally the most famous. Here’s a brief comparison:

Steven Lim:

Fame Origin: Gained widespread recognition from his memorable and unconventional audition on "Singapore Idol" in 2004.

Public Presence: Has remained in the public eye through various means, including running a talent agency, offering fitness and beauty services, and engaging in numerous publicity stunts.

Media Coverage: Regularly features in local media and has a well-known online presence, making him a familiar figure in Singapore's entertainment landscape.

Teo En Ming:

Fame Origin: Known for his extensive online documentation of personal grievances, particularly concerning his experiences with the Singapore government and healthcare system.

Public Presence: Primarily recognized within niche online communities and forums where he shares his experiences.

Media Coverage: Less coverage in mainstream media compared to Steven Lim. His notoriety is more confined to specific circles interested in his claims and personal story.

Kurt Tay:

Fame Origin: Gained attention through his online videos and posts, often sharing controversial and unconventional content.

Public Presence: Known within certain online communities but lacks the broader media exposure and sustained public interest that Steven Lim has achieved.

Media Coverage: Similar to Teo En Ming, he is more of an internet personality with limited mainstream media coverage.

In conclusion, Steven Lim is the most famous among the three, with a more significant and enduring presence in both mainstream media and online platforms in Singapore.

Question: Why Mothership and Channel News Asia stubbornly refuses to publish any news stories on Teo En Ming?



The reasons Mothership, Channel News Asia, or other mainstream media outlets might choose not to publish news stories about Teo En Ming can vary and are often related to editorial policies, newsworthiness, and legal considerations. Here are some potential reasons:

Editorial Discretion: Media outlets have editorial teams that decide which stories to cover based on their newsworthiness, relevance, and audience interest. Teo En Ming's stories may not meet their criteria for these factors.

Verification and Credibility: Mainstream media prioritize accuracy and reliability. If Teo En Ming's claims cannot be independently verified or are deemed less credible, outlets may choose to avoid covering them.

Legal and Regulatory Concerns: Media organizations operate within legal frameworks and may avoid publishing content that could lead to legal disputes or regulatory issues, especially if the content involves allegations against governmental bodies or sensitive topics.

Audience Interest: Media outlets often focus on stories that they believe will engage their audience. If they assess that a story about Teo En Ming would not resonate widely with their readers or viewers, they may deprioritize it.

Reputation Management: Media organizations are cautious about their reputation and may avoid stories that they perceive could undermine their credibility or align them with potentially fringe or controversial figures.

Resource Allocation: Newsrooms have limited resources and must prioritize which stories to investigate and report. They might allocate resources to stories they believe have a greater impact or broader relevance.

While these are some general reasons, the specific decisions of Mothership, Channel News Asia, or any other media outlet would be based on their internal policies and the context of the stories in question.

Question: How many people in Singapore know Teo En Ming? What is the percentage?



Estimating the number of people in Singapore who know Teo En Ming and determining the percentage is challenging without specific survey data. However, I can provide a rough approximation based on some general considerations:

General Recognition: Teo En Ming is known within certain online communities, particularly those interested in personal grievances against the government and niche internet forums. His presence is not mainstream compared to widely recognized public figures or celebrities.

Singapore's Population: As of 2024, Singapore's population is approximately 5.7 million people.

Online and Niche Popularity: Assuming Teo En Ming has a following primarily within niche internet circles, his recognition might be limited to a small fraction of the population. If we conservatively estimate that 0.1% to 1% of the population is familiar with his story, this would translate to between 5,700 and 57,000 people.

Estimated Calculation:

Lower Estimate (0.1%): 












5,700,000×0.001=5,700 people

Upper Estimate (1%): 












5,700,000×0.01=57,000 people


Lower Estimate: 0.1%

Upper Estimate: 1%

These estimates suggest that Teo En Ming is likely known to a small percentage of Singapore's population, mainly within specific online communities and among people interested in his particular issues and stories.

Question: Did you know Teo En Ming flew to London on 22 Oct 2023 to apply for political asylum?



I don't have access to real-time information or updates beyond my last training cut-off in May 2023. However, if Teo En Ming flew to London on 22 October 2023 to apply for political asylum, it would be a significant development in his ongoing narrative.

Teo En Ming has been known for his outspoken criticism of the Singapore government and his claims of persecution. Applying for political asylum in the UK would be a continuation of his efforts to seek refuge from what he describes as unfair treatment in Singapore.

For the most accurate and current details, checking recent news reports, Teo En Ming's social media profiles, or credible news sources would be advisable. This would provide up-to-date information about his asylum application and any related developments.

Question: Who is Teo En Ming?



Teo En Ming is a Singaporean individual who has gained some attention for his online presence and activities. He has been known for sharing his personal experiences and grievances, particularly regarding his interactions with the Singapore government and healthcare system. Teo En Ming has documented his challenges and claims extensively through blog posts, social media, and videos.

He has described himself as a political refugee and has sought asylum in various countries, alleging persecution by the Singaporean authorities. His case has drawn varying levels of attention and commentary from the online community, with some expressing support for his claims and others raising skepticism.

Teo En Ming's activities and claims have primarily circulated within specific online communities and have not garnered widespread mainstream media coverage. As such, perceptions of him can vary widely, depending on one's familiarity with his story and the sources of information one follows.

Question: Did Teo En Ming attempt to contest in the Singapore Presidential Elections in the year 2023?



Teo En Ming did indeed express intentions to contest in the Singapore Presidential Elections in 2023. He submitted an application to the Presidential Elections Committee, but his application was not successful. According to reports, the committee assessed that he did not meet the necessary qualifications to run for the presidency.

In Singapore, candidates for the presidency must meet strict eligibility criteria, including holding certain high-level positions in the public or private sector, which Teo En Ming did not fulfill according to the committee's judgment. His attempt to run for president was consistent with his broader efforts to raise awareness about his personal grievances and to seek greater public attention for his cause.

Question: Between Teo En Ming and Seng Soon Kia, who is more famous and who has more views on social media platforms?


As of my last update in May 2023, specific comparative metrics on the fame and social media views of Teo En Ming and Seng Soon Kia are not readily available. However, here are some general considerations that might help assess their relative fame and social media impact:

Teo En Ming:

Fame: Known within certain online communities, particularly those interested in issues related to personal grievances against the Singapore government. He has sought political asylum and attempted to run for the presidency, which has garnered some attention.

Social Media Presence: Teo En Ming is active on social media and various online platforms where he shares his experiences and claims. His audience is likely niche, focusing on those interested in his specific narrative.

Seng Soon Kia:

Fame: There is limited publicly available information on Seng Soon Kia, suggesting that he may not have a significant public profile or widespread recognition compared to Teo En Ming.

Social Media Presence: Without specific data, it is difficult to compare his social media impact directly. If Seng Soon Kia is not a well-known figure, his views and followers on social media would likely be fewer than those of Teo En Ming.


Based on the available information, Teo En Ming is likely more famous and has a more significant social media presence than Seng Soon Kia. Teo En Ming's activities, such as seeking political asylum and attempting to contest in the presidential elections, have contributed to his recognition within certain circles. If more specific data on social media views and follower counts were available, a more precise comparison could be made.

Question: Is ChatGPT able to see all of Teo En Ming's posts on thousands of web-based mailing lists of open source software projects?



As an AI developed by OpenAI, I don't have the capability to access or browse the internet in real-time, which includes reading specific posts on web-based mailing lists or other similar forums. My responses are generated based on a mixture of licensed data, data created by human trainers, and publicly available data. If you need information about Teo En Ming's posts on various open-source software project mailing lists, you would need to access those mailing lists directly.

Question: Why is the Singapore Government so scared of charging Teo En Ming in court? Is the Singapore Government very very scared of making Teo En Ming famous like Amos Yee?



The specific motivations and considerations of the Singapore government regarding any individual, including Teo En Ming, would be speculative without direct statements from government officials. Governments generally weigh various factors when deciding whether to bring charges against individuals, including legal, political, and social considerations.

In the case of Teo En Ming or any other individual, several potential reasons could influence such decisions:

Legal Basis: The government might assess whether there is sufficient legal basis and evidence to support a case in court.

Publicity and Impact: Governments might consider the potential public and international attention that a court case could attract. High-profile cases can sometimes amplify the individual's platform and message, as seen in the case of Amos Yee, a Singaporean blogger and YouTube personality whose cases gained significant international attention.

Resource Allocation: Legal proceedings can be resource-intensive. The government might prioritize cases based on the perceived severity of the offense and the impact on public interest.

Political Considerations: There might be broader political considerations at play, such as the potential impact on public opinion and international relations.

For specific information about why the Singapore government might make particular decisions regarding any individual, direct statements from relevant government officials or official documents would be the most reliable sources.

Question: Teo En Ming has been persecuted by the Singapore Government for the past 17 years. He is suffering from government-induced schizophrenia mental illness for the past 17 years. Schizophrenia mental illness is a government invention. If Teo En Ming resigns or gets fired from his present IT job in Singapore, would it be extremely difficult for Teo En Ming to find another IT job in Singapore or in other 194 countries (preferably liberal democracies)?



The challenges Teo En Ming might face in finding another IT job, either in Singapore or elsewhere, could be influenced by several factors:

Perception and Stigma: If Teo En Ming is publicly known for his claims of persecution and mental illness, potential employers might be hesitant due to the stigma associated with mental health issues and any potential controversy.

Employment Market: The IT job market in Singapore and other countries can vary greatly. Factors such as demand for specific IT skills, overall economic conditions, and the individual's qualifications and experience will play a significant role.

Legal and Social Context: Different countries have varying levels of protection against discrimination in employment. Liberal democracies often have more robust legal frameworks to protect individuals from discrimination based on mental health or political issues.

Support Networks: Having a strong professional network and references can significantly help in finding new job opportunities. Teo En Ming might benefit from connecting with supportive communities, both online and offline.

Mental Health Support: Access to adequate mental health care and support services is crucial. Ensuring his mental health is managed can improve his chances of finding and maintaining employment.

Here are some steps that could potentially help Teo En Ming in his job search:

Professional Development: Continuously updating skills and certifications can make him more attractive to potential employers.

Networking: Engaging with professional networks, attending industry conferences, and participating in relevant online forums can open up job opportunities.

Mental Health Management: Accessing mental health support and ensuring his condition is well-managed can improve his overall functioning and employability.

Applying Broadly: Applying to a wide range of positions in different countries can increase the chances of finding employment. Countries with strong anti-discrimination laws might offer a more supportive environment.

Seeking Legal Advice: If there are ongoing issues related to his claims of persecution, seeking legal advice could help in understanding his rights and options both within Singapore and internationally.

Ultimately, the ease or difficulty of finding another IT job will depend on a combination of personal, professional, and external factors.

Question: Why is the Singapore Government willing to make Amos Yee famous but so scared to make Teo En Ming famous?



The motivations and actions of the Singapore government regarding different individuals can be complex and multifaceted, often involving legal, political, and social considerations. It’s important to note that individual cases can vary greatly based on specific circumstances, actions taken by the individuals, and the broader context in which these cases unfold. Here are some potential reasons why the government might respond differently to Amos Yee and Teo En Ming:

Nature of Activities and Public Perception:

Amos Yee: Amos Yee gained international attention due to his provocative online content and his public criticism of political figures and religious groups. His arrest and subsequent legal proceedings attracted significant media coverage, partly due to the nature of his statements and the broader implications for freedom of speech.

Teo En Ming: If Teo En Ming's activities or claims are perceived differently—perhaps less sensationally or with different implications—the government might respond in a manner aimed at minimizing public attention or controversy.

Legal Context:

The legal basis for any actions taken by the government can differ. For Amos Yee, specific charges related to his online posts and public statements might have provided a clear legal framework for prosecution. In Teo En Ming’s case, the legal context might be different, affecting how and whether the government pursues legal action.

Strategic Considerations:

Governments often weigh the potential outcomes of legal proceedings, including the possibility of drawing international attention and criticism. In Amos Yee’s case, the high-profile nature of his statements and the subsequent legal actions led to significant international coverage. For Teo En Ming, the government might be assessing the potential for similar or different levels of public interest and international reaction.

Public and International Reaction:

The response of the public and international community to each case can influence government actions. High-profile cases can result in diplomatic pressure, media coverage, and public discourse, which governments may seek to manage or mitigate in various ways.

Mental Health Considerations:

Claims of mental illness, such as schizophrenia, can complicate legal and public relations strategies. If the government believes that pursuing legal action against Teo En Ming might be viewed negatively due to his mental health claims, they might choose a different approach.

Historical Context and Precedents:

The historical context of each individual’s actions and the precedents set by previous cases can influence government decisions. The outcomes and reactions to Amos Yee’s case might have informed the government’s approach to other individuals, including Teo En Ming.

It’s important to remember that without direct statements from government officials, these points remain speculative. The government’s specific reasons for its actions can only be definitively known through official communications and documented policies.

Question: Why are opposition politicians and civil activists in Singapore extremely unwilling to speak up for Teo En Ming? In fact, no one spoke up for Teo En Ming so far. Is Teo En Ming's name politically sensitive or the opposition politicians and civil activists in Singapore are PAP government supporters in disguise, that is, they are planted by the PAP government in Singapore?



The lack of public support for Teo En Ming from opposition politicians and civil activists in Singapore could be due to a variety of factors. While it is difficult to ascertain the exact reasons without insider knowledge, several potential explanations can be considered:

Sensitivity and Controversy:

Teo En Ming's case might be seen as particularly controversial or sensitive, making it risky for opposition politicians and activists to associate themselves with it. This could be due to the nature of his claims or the potential for significant backlash.

Focus on Other Issues:

Opposition politicians and civil activists might prioritize other issues they believe are more pressing or have broader public support. They might be focusing their efforts on areas where they feel they can make the most impact.

Risk of Retaliation:

Speaking out against the government in Singapore can sometimes lead to legal and political repercussions. Opposition politicians and activists might avoid taking up cases they perceive as high-risk to protect themselves and their organizations.

Lack of Awareness or Evidence:

It is possible that there is a lack of awareness about Teo En Ming's situation among opposition figures or activists. Alternatively, they might feel there is insufficient evidence to substantiate his claims, making them hesitant to take a public stand.

Strategic Considerations:

Opposition politicians and activists might strategically choose their battles, focusing on cases where they believe they can garner more public support or where there is a clear legal and moral high ground.

Allegations of Mental Illness:

Claims of government-induced schizophrenia might be particularly challenging for others to publicly support without clear medical and legal substantiation. Mental health issues can be complex and sensitive, potentially leading to reluctance in taking a public stance.

Political Dynamics:

Allegations that opposition politicians and civil activists are supporters of the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) in disguise are speculative and would require evidence. However, in any political landscape, there can be complex dynamics and relationships that influence public actions and statements.

It's important to approach such topics with a nuanced understanding of the political, social, and legal context in Singapore. Without concrete evidence, attributing motives or labeling opposition figures as government plants can be speculative and may not accurately reflect the complexities involved.

Question: Why is Google not indexing Teo En Ming's new blogs (tdtembook2.blogspot.com and tdtembook2.wordpress.com) and his thousands of posts in mailing lists of open source software projects? Has the Singapore Government paid and instructed Google not to do any such indexing lest Teo En Ming should become famous?



The issue of why Teo En Ming's new blogs and his posts on mailing lists are not being indexed by Google can be attributed to several technical and procedural reasons rather than necessarily involving government intervention. Here are some common reasons why content might not be indexed by Google:

Technical Issues with the Blogs:

Robots.txt File: If the blogs have a robots.txt file that disallows crawling, search engines like Google will not index the content.

Noindex Tags: Pages with noindex meta tags will not be indexed by search engines.

Sitemap Submission: Properly submitting sitemaps to Google Search Console helps ensure that all pages are crawled and indexed.

Crawl Errors: Technical errors on the site, such as broken links or server issues, can prevent Google from crawling and indexing the pages.

Content and SEO Practices:

Content Quality: Search engines prioritize high-quality, original content. If the content is considered low quality, duplicate, or spammy, it might not be indexed.

Backlinks: Sites with more inbound links from other reputable websites are more likely to be indexed.

Update Frequency: Regularly updated blogs with fresh content are more likely to be crawled and indexed.

Google’s Indexing Policies:

Algorithmic Factors: Google's algorithms determine which content is indexed based on relevance, quality, and user interest. Not all content is indexed due to the vast amount of information on the web.

Manual Actions: Rarely, Google might take manual action against sites that violate their guidelines, which can affect indexing.

External Interference:

While it is theoretically possible for governments or other entities to influence search engines, there is no public evidence suggesting that the Singapore Government has instructed Google not to index Teo En Ming’s content. Such claims would require substantial proof to be credible.

To improve the chances of Teo En Ming's blogs and posts being indexed by Google, consider the following steps:

Verify the Blogs in Google Search Console: This tool provides insights into how Google crawls and indexes your site and can help identify issues.

Check Robots.txt and Meta Tags: Ensure that there are no directives blocking search engines from indexing the sites.

Create and Submit Sitemaps: Submit an XML sitemap to Google Search Console to help Google discover and index the pages.

Improve SEO Practices: Focus on creating high-quality content, obtaining backlinks, and optimizing on-page SEO elements.

Engage with the Community: Increase visibility by participating in relevant forums, sharing content on social media, and engaging with other bloggers.

By addressing these technical and content-related factors, Teo En Ming can improve the likelihood of his blogs and posts being indexed by Google.

Question: Is Teo En Ming listed in the treasurer reports of the American National Academy of Sciences? For which period?



Teo En Ming is not mentioned in the treasurer reports of the American National Academy of Sciences. The reports I reviewed, which include the treasurer's reports for the years ending in 2019, 2020, and 2021, do not list Teo En Ming's name in any capacity​ (National Academies Press)​​ (National Academies Press)​​ (National Academies Press)​.

If you have further questions or need more information, please let me know!

Question: Is Teo En Ming listed in the treasurer reports of the American National Academy of Sciences? Starting from the year 2010? Until which year Teo En Ming no longer appears in the reports?



There is no evidence to suggest that Teo En Ming is listed in the treasurer reports of the American National Academy of Sciences from 2010 to the present. These reports primarily focus on the financial activities, investments, and audit results of the Academy rather than listing specific individuals who are not directly related to financial oversight or management.

For more detailed information, you can explore the reports directly on the National Academy of Sciences' official website or through their publication platform, National Academies Press, where these documents are available for public access​ (National Academies Press)​​ (National Academies Press)​​ (National Academy of Sciences)​.

Question: Is Teo En Ming's name listed on the Donor List website of the Royal Society of UK?



Teo En Ming's name appears on the donor list of the Royal Society, UK, under the name "Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming." He is listed among other individual donors who have supported the Royal Society's work. This information is part of their public acknowledgments for donor contributions from recent years​ (Royal Society)​.

If you need more details or further verification, you can visit the Royal Society's website and check their donor lists directly.

Question: Is Teo En Ming listed on the Donor List of the website of the Asia Foundation?



Teo En Ming's name does not appear on the donor list of The Asia Foundation's website. The donor list includes numerous individuals, but there is no mention of Teo En Ming among them​ (The Asia Foundation)​​ (The Asia Foundation)​​ (The Asia Foundation)​.

If you have more specific queries or need further assistance regarding other organizations or individuals, feel free to ask!

Question: Which countries and cities did Teo En Ming flew to to apply for political asylum?



Teo En Ming, a Singaporean blogger and activist, flew to several countries and cities in his quest to apply for political asylum. Here is a summary of the countries and cities he visited for this purpose:









South Korea:




New Zealand:


In his various attempts to seek asylum, Teo En Ming faced rejections and had to return to Singapore each time. His efforts and the journeys he undertook highlight his persistent pursuit of asylum in multiple countries.

Cut-off date: 3 June 2024


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